You’re So Vain

Do you think Walt Whitman would lose in a fight against Carly Simon? Honest opinions only please. 

Now Whitman does have a few things going for him. He’s a decent poet. He knows how to write some really pretty lines that invoke alluring imagery (see “I lean and loafe at my ease observing a spear of summer grass” from his poem “I celebrate myself, and sing myself”). However, he has an ego bigger than the room. I mean, he wrote an entire poem in which the speaker celebrates and sings about himself. Can someone really be that great? On the other hand, Carly Simon is a living icon. She’s in incredibly talented musician and singer-songwriter. She’s had many hit records including the famous “You’re So Vain.” Yes, that is the song from the movie How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, and yes it is the song Kate Hudson’s character publicly scream-sings at Matthew McConaughey’s character. Carly Simon is not afraid to call out someone’s narcissism. I don’t think she’d be afraid to put Whitman in his place. At the very least, I think the fight would be pretty fair. 

There is no denying that Whitman’s “I celebrate myself, and sing myself” is egotistical—anything like this would be. There are some problems with this kind of attitude, especially when he says “what I assume you shall assume.” Why would we have the same assumptions when we don’t live the same life? How could we when Whitman has certain privileges that I or other people just don’t have? Its important to acknowledge this nuance to his poem, but I think it is a mistake to dismiss the rest of the poem because of it.

When I first read the poem, I didn’t completely hone in on this narcissism. Instead, I was drawn to the very moving imagery he created, especially with the line I mentioned above about leaning, loafing, and observing grass. Its so peaceful to think about—you’re just being with yourself, enjoying the simple beauty of grass. I also really liked the lines “I, now thirty-seven years old in perfect health begin,/ Hoping to cease not till death”. That is just such a pretty sentiment about living and enjoying the world until you no longer are able to. 

So yes, I think Carly Simon could and would knock Whitman out for being a narcissist. But, I also think that she might be thinking about how good his poetry as she does it.

 Here’s a link to the “You’re So Vain” music video:


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